Breakthrough Healing: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Discover a Revolutionary Approach to Mental Health Treatment

Are you struggling with persistent depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health challenges that haven't responded to traditional treatments? Ketamine-assisted therapy offers a groundbreaking solution that could transform your life.

What is Ketamine-Assisted Therapy?

Ketamine-assisted therapy is an innovative treatment that combines the use of ketamine, a powerful psychoactive medication, with professional psychotherapy. This approach harnesses ketamine's unique properties to create a window of neuroplasticity, allowing for rapid and profound shifts in mental states and thought patterns.

How Does It Work?

  • Medical Administration: Ketamine can be administered through multiple routes, including injections, nasal sprays, oral solutions/troches, and intravenous infusions. Under careful medical supervision, in our office we provide subanesthetic dose ketamine injections. In our experience, nasal and oral dosing does not provide reliable, consistent amounts of medicine and many patients are very anxious about establishing IV access for therapy. We alleviate anxiety and provide safe, reliable dosing every time with our approach.
  • Non-ordinary States of Consciousness: The ketamine induces a brief, dissociative state, often described as dream-like or introspective.
  • Guided Therapy: During this altered state, a trained clinician guides you through a therapeutic process, helping you explore emotions, memories, and thought patterns.
  • Integration: Following the ketamine session, you'll work with your therapist to integrate insights and experiences into your daily life.

  • Key Benefits of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

    1. Rapid Relief: Many patients report significant improvement in symptoms within hours or days, unlike traditional antidepressants that can take weeks to show effects.
    2. Effectiveness for Treatment-Resistant Conditions: Ketamine has shown promise in helping those who haven't responded to other treatments, offering hope where other approaches have failed.
    3. Neuroplasticity Boost: Ketamine promotes the growth of new neural connections, potentially rewiring the brain for lasting positive change.
    4. Breakthrough Insights: The altered state can provide new perspectives on long-standing issues, facilitating powerful emotional and cognitive breakthroughs.
    5. Reduced Suicidal Ideation: Studies have shown ketamine's potential to rapidly reduce suicidal thoughts in some patients.
    6. Holistic Approach: By combining medicine with psychotherapy, this treatment addresses both the biological and psychological aspects of mental health.
    7. Potential for Lasting Change: Many patients report sustained improvements beyond the immediate effects of the treatment.

    Who Can Benefit?

    Ketamine-assisted therapy may be particularly helpful for those struggling with:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Chronic pain
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Substance use disorders

    The Treatment Process

    1. Initial Consultation: We'll assess your medical history and current symptoms to determine if ketamine-assisted therapy is right for you.
    2. Preparation: You'll meet with your therapy team to set intentions and prepare for the experience.
    3. Ketamine Sessions: Typically, a course of treatment involves multiple ketamine sessions over several weeks.
    4. Integration Therapy: Between and after ketamine sessions, you'll work with your therapist to process insights and implement positive changes.
    5. Follow-up Care: We provide ongoing support to help maintain and build upon the progress you've made.

    Is Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Right for You?

    Consider this innovative treatment if:

    • You've tried multiple medications or therapies without satisfactory results
    • You're looking for a more rapid improvement in symptoms
    • You're open to exploring your mind and emotions in a new way
    • You're committed to personal growth and healing

    Safety and Considerations

    While ketamine-assisted therapy has shown promising results, it's important to note:

    • Ketamine is a powerful medication and should only be administered under professional medical supervision.
    • This therapy may not be suitable for everyone. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary.
    • Side effects, while typically mild and short-lived, can occur and will be discussed during your consultation.

    Take the Next Step Towards Transformation

    Don't let treatment-resistant mental health challenges hold you back any longer. Ketamine-assisted therapy could be the key to unlocking a new chapter of healing and growth in your life.

    Contact us to learn more about how ketamine-assisted therapy could help you find relief, gain new insights, and rediscover hope and well-being.


    Discovery Holistic Healing and Transformative Therapies